First Days Maternity Supplies Ltd

Everyone will have a postpartum recovery period

postpartum recovery period

Are you prepared? EVERY new mum will have a postpartum recovery period.

Whether you’re having a hands-off home birth or an elective c-section, every new mum will go through a postpartum recovery period. 

The recovery time will vary greatly from woman to woman and what one lady hasn’t noticed, will be a huge concern for another. From vaginal tearing, weeping caesarean wounds to prolapses (another issue that isn’t talked about enough!) and painful boobs, the female body really does get pushed to it’s limits. Oh, and you also have a brand new miniature human to look after who would like your attention for 23 hours a day, please. 

Whilst there is no way of knowing what your postpartum period is going to be like – we’re all different, there is something you can do to make it easier. Prepare. Invest just a little time to learn about how you can make your recovery quicker and easier. Do this whilst you’re pregnant, you will be pleased of your efforts when the time comes for you to put your plan into action. Think about what you might find difficult post birth and how you can make it easier, think about who is around to help and ask them to help! There are usually lots of people eager to help but they don’t say anything for fear of intruding or being rejected. Use. The. Help!

Ideas to improve your recovery can be as simple as filling the freezer with healthy ready meals, you don’t want to be cooking on day three. Setting up a baby changing station both up and downstairs to minimise your movement and lifting, stock up on pain relief, paracetamol etc or natural, accepting that the majority of chores can all wait for a week or two, or ten, arrange for someone to do the school run for older children or have a family member come to visit to look after the baby so you can have a proper shower for longer than 35 seconds. Stock your bathroom up with special products to help your postpartum recovery, check out ours, we’ve got loads of goodies just for that – postpartum recovery. 

If things are bad (entirely normal to feel down within the first week or so of birth) remember it WILL pass. Everything is temporary and before you know it, your little newborn will be crawling around the lounge and your postpartum days will long be over! 

If you have been feeling down for a long time, are finding it difficult to bond with your baby or you know something ‘just isn’t right’  it may be a sign of postnatal depression. This is more common than you might think, affecting around 1 in 10 women within the first year of having a baby – and you can get help from your midwife, health visitor or GP. There is no need to be ashamed or embarrassed about looking after your mental health, with the right help you can be back to your usual self in no time!

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